Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Liberal Vs. Conservative

One of the key differences in the opinions of those who are conservative and those who are liberal right now is their views on the war. Liberals like Clinton and Obama want to pull all of the troops out of the war in Iraq while McCain wants to keep the troops there because homeland security is one of his main concerns. Liberalism is generally associated with democrats and conservatives are associated with republicans which is what is currently going on in our election. I just found out the other day that both Obama and Clinton voted to not have English as our country's official language, which to me is very liberal because in a way they are trying to create a new America.

Another big difference between conservatives and liberals is their opinions in the abortion topic. Many conservatives are taking the God side of the argument and saying that by getting an abortion you are killing a human being, but many liberals have taken the pro-choice route and say that it should be up to the women. The differences between liberals and conservatives change from topic to topic, but in general, liberal means "favorable to progress and reform" while conservative means "disposed to preexisting conditions", which I think is really the major difference between the two.

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